Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I love Donna Brazile

Have you seen this clip?  If you're not voting for Obama, I hope it's not because of the color of his skin.


DoulaMomma said...

refreshing to just hear someone face down the elephant in the room

Elizabeth Gallo said...

i know. and did you see/hear about the great schlep video?

Anita said...

how amazing! i have to share that also

Anonymous said...

that is awesome. she rocks! i'd like to see her debate ms. joe six pack!

Anonymous said...

That is amazing, and I hadn't seen it. Thanks for that. Love your blog too. Kudos to you for having two babies just a year apart! My boys are almost 3 years apart and I still have days where I think I am done for. Thanks for leaving a comment for me.