Thursday, October 9, 2008

I've been punk'd!

By my two daughters, ages 16 months and almost 3 months!  The little one started sleeping through the night when she was just shy of two months old.  We thought we were clear of the bleary phase of parenting a newborn.  But now?  She's back to being up between three and four a.m.  I awaken to the sound of her sucking her fingers or trying to roll over in her bassinet, and then I'm basically up for the diaper change, the feeding and whatever follows.

And then there is the big one.  She has always been a good nighttime sleeper; she's slept through the night since she was about three months old.  Give the child a bottle and a snuggle, and she was down for the count.  But now?  She's up in the middle of the night too -- some kind of nightmare or separation anxiety or something.  At 3:15 this morning, not even Dada could do the trick, so I finished feeding the little one then moved into trying to soothe the big one.  We were both up from about 3 on with just a few winks of sleep until it was time to arise at 6.

I know they always say this part doesn't last forever, but it sure seems like it will, especially in those slow-crawling early-morning hours.  At least they're not lonely for me; I get to share them with my husband and beautiful girls.


DoulaMomma said...

Not that it makes you feel any more rested (!), but I bet your oldest (not sure if we can use names here!) is getting ready to make some big developmental leap. This will pass - really it will. Meantime, put on a pot of coffee! ;-)

hcpark said...

I remember this period. Both ours didn't really sleep through the night until 6-9 months. And even after that we, would go through several days or a whole week of relapse.

All I remember is that you are on auto-pilot. When in doubt: sleep or rest. You gotta eat, gotta go to the bathroom every once in a while, and even take care of hygiene. But otherwise, if you have 10 minutes: sleep.

I think this is where Katheryn and I started thinking of our lives in phases. We have the baby-no-sleep phase, we have diaper phase, we have school children phase. At some point, we will have go-see-a-movie and get-a-drink phase again.

Baby Bunching said...

We just highlighted this post over at Baby Bunching this week. Sleep issues are so difficult, especially with the big kids. It won't last forever--like you said--but it makes the day hard to handle.