Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Third time's a charm

It took me three tries today. I rolled out my mat at 6 this morning after finding myself awake and not feeling like going back to sleep. But I was tired and my joints were sticky, so I put the mat away and enjoyed reading a few YIOM blogs instead. I rolled it out again as soon as the girls went down for their nap. I felt good in Sukasana and enjoyed a meditation, but I could get my mind focused on how to move next. I was thinking about my desk and about ten projects I "should" be working on...

But I kept thinking about what Lorin wrote at The Vegan Asana, and I listened to myself with the mom face.

It took me about an hour, but I went back to my mat. I decided to start with Trikonasana, my favorite pose because -- well, because it's my favorite. I disregarded all the information and ideas I have about a proper sequence, and I just moved from one pose to the next. I found myself moving in a pattern from standing poses through lunge to heart openers and back. It was weird, but it was what felt good. I hit a bunch of juicy poses besides Trikonasana -- Sphinx, Parsvokonasana, Downward-facing Dog, Plank, Chaturanga, Bhujangasana, Vasisthasana. Of course I made it to Stork, too, and even toyed with Natarajasana briefly. But I realized my ankle wasn't feeling so great -- maybe the humidity or shift from yesterday's warmth to today's cooler weather -- or maybe just because. So I did a long Prasarita Padottanasana and made my way back to my folded blankets for more quiet.

I'm more focused now (look, I wrote this post!), and I think it will be easier to focus in on my projects. So listening with a mom face worked for me -- I won't forget it the next time I'm avoiding my mat! Thanks, Lorin!


tara. said...

i like reading your words and hearing your voice on here again. love you!

Thais said...

I was actually just thinking today about how many people do not practice at home because they dont know the "right" sequence. Which is ironic because the reason why i enjoy my home practice so much is that its not regimented. I can go from pose to pose to dance to pose without judgement and with curiosity. Sounds like you did just that =)

lissabliss said...

i love that you kept trying and coming back to it until the practice felt right to you. shows a real sign of listening to yourself and honoring your experience. <3

Elizabeth Gallo said...

Thanks, everyone! Love you T! Love you all! Teeg -- I totally agree about enjoying my home practice more than anything -- I need to learn how to really go to my edge, though. I think that will lead to honoring myself in an even deeper way -- what do you think, Lissa?

Meg said...

Ha! Love the "mom face."

Elizabeth Gallo said...

I know Meg! Can't you just feel yourself making mom face at your kids? I sure can!